Inspirational Quotes

Before I set out to work on creating this Webpage I had read Inspirational quotes many times. I had fun and laughed about some of them and then I would forget about them. But when creating this Webpage I really read the quotes searching for the real meaning. My aim was to give my community something to think about and have fun doing it. But then I found this quote….

We Dance for Laughter, We Dance for Tears,
We Dance for Madness, We Dance for Fears,
We Dance for Hopes, We Dance for Screams,
We are the Dancers and Create the Dreams…….By Albert Einstein

This Quote changed the way I understood each quote. Every time I selected a quote to display on this page, I dug deep in my soul to find the meaning of that quote in my life.These quotes lifted and inspired me to achieve one of my Dreams. Inspirational Quotes, sometimes, reach out to you at the Bottom of the Lake; Raise you up, to stop you from struggling to reach the surface for a gasp of air…..

“Seize that moment and reach for the Skies”

Nancy Maina
Tuesday Jan 23rd, 2018